Review: Alchemy by Melanie Crouse, Sabrina West & Sheena Boekweg

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The idea of multiple authors for one story really threw me for a loop, I won’t deny that. How would it work? Would it feel disconnected and confusing? Would I find myself wondering who wrote what part? well… I still Wonder that.. I’m going to have to go ask the authors.. as for the rest. It worked wonderfully!
The story is told in 3 different POV’s. Usually, I am not a fan of multiple POV’s. If you read other reviews of mine with the same element you will find that usually I feel like the characters didn’t have a separate voice, that they blended together and got lost in the shuffle. Or that I constantly found myself wanting to know more about one character than the other. In Alchemy, each character’s POV was written by a different author, each had a completely unique voice and personality that made it to where I could easily tell them apart. Their stories are told through journal entries, and while sometimes the inner monologue style irritated me, for the most part I found it interesting and entertaining.
The world of Alchemy was very interesting and had it’s own unique take on magic. Magic is like a disease and one can be infected, while it is recognized that Mages can be very helpful to society with what they can do, for the most part they are feared, called freaks and disgusting. Like any group of people there are good and bad sides, some of the infected turn crazy and go on rampages that further scare the masses.
The school that Juliette, Sam and Ana are sent to is for young mages to be trained to control their abilities, but there is also a Elite group that are trained to go above and beyond, to go out into the world in moments of need and try to show the positive things that mages can do for the world. It’s kinda like… X-men but with more limited abilities? Except.. they can also be manipulated in many different ways? Ok that doesn’t sound nearly as cool as I want to make it sound haha.. It’s Cool ok!
The story hooked me and the characters kept me intrigued. I loved the vibrate and different personalities that they showed and like I said in the beginning of my review.. I wonder which author wrote who’s POV! I am curious to see if they are anything like their characters.. I won’t deny I have a favorite.. Juliette- AKA Tornado Girl ! I love a girl with spunk
I will definitely be recommending Alchemy to friends and cannot wait to see what is to come in the Prophecy Breakers series, as well as what other stories these authors will be bringing to the table!
( Check out the list below to visit the other blogs participating in the tour! Read more Teasers and see what everyone else thinks of Alchemy! )
Teaser from Juliette’s POV
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