A new job- a new outlook!

Cornerstone  - Kelly  Walker Discovery (Electi) - Brina Courtney Waterproof - Amber Garr Tempest - Holly Hook The Girl (Guardians #1) - Lola St.Vil

Hey everyone! 


I want to share my wonderful news with you! I got a new job! I'm sure you guessed that by the title of the post ;) I am super excited! I am an assistant at Mark My Words Book Publicity. I get to work with Bloggers and awesome Indie authors and BOOKS! Every bookworms dream :D 


In the first few days of my new job I am out searching for AWESOME BLOGGERS. The ones who seriously LOVE books Who are not afraid to shout it from the rooftops. People who love cover reveals and Blitzes - there are some AWESOME Covers reveals soon, and some amazing stories releasing soon! 


If you want to be part of my team, or know someone who would want to- drop me a line at Michelle (at) markmywordsbookpublicity (dot) com! You do NOT have to be a blogger to help out. Sharing on facebook and twitter is wonderful as well! There will of course be giveaways and review opportunities as well ;) 


We actually have a couple Cover Reveals and Release day blitzes coming up quick that we need help with ! If you are interested PLEASE Email me and I will send you info! 


Feel free also to tell me what you do and do not want to see :) How can we make blitzes unique?  Should we have twitter parties? Do you follow Blog Tours?- What can we change about them. Any feedback is appreciated and WILL be taken into consideration! 


I'm really excited guys, and hope I get to work with some of you in the future!


michelle (at) markmywodsbookpublicity (dot) com